Stop The Technology War

Many prior generations have believed themselves to be at a pivotal point in history. Although it is true that many destructive technologies have come forward over humanity’s existence, none compare to those we are facing today.

You might think to yourself: what could possibly be worse than facing the potential of a nuclear war? Numerous countries have the ability to wipe out the entire planet many times over. Atomic weapons are indeed extremely scary. Too many individuals having experienced the horrors of radiation exposure, as a result of war testing, military actions, and horrendous nuclear power industry accidents.

Although nuclear weapons can be scaled down strategically to have less global impact, they don’t serve as a means of control other than as a deterrent — a deterrent shared by many countries with the same ability to destroy the planet many times over. Nuclear technology doesn’t provide the edge that a group of global elites needs to control a world population, without destroying the entire population they hope to control.
It might be argued that media control and censorship is the most dangerous technology we face today. Whomever controls the media likewise controls the hearts and minds of the people. It’s no secret that ‘Big Tech’ has the ability to monitor, censor, and remove information that is not to liking of the current Powers That Be.
No matter how powerful media influence can be, taken alone it does not serve as a means of ultimate control. There will always be individuals who will methodically investigate details and verify facts to determine their own views.
One could reasonably say that bio-weapon technology is now the worst threat facing humanity. To be able to genetically engineer a virus to attack certain groups of people by race or geographical location provides a potential means of attacking humans at a terrifying level, all the while maintaining infrastructure and planetary ecosystems.

Certainly the thought of contracting Ebola or a similar gruesome disease is terrifying. Unfortunately, there is clear evidence that such horrendous diseases have been researched, and even designed, in laboratories using publicly fundeded research dollars. COVID, whether leaked on purpose or by accident, is a clear example of how an enormous research industry subsidized with government and military funding can impact the physical and economic health of an entire world. Fear itself is a great control mechanism.

When considering the potential impact of bio-weaponry, the ultimate irony is that the process uses very similar, if not identical, technology to that used in genetically engineered crops that ‘Big Agriculture’ claims will save the starving children around the world. This claim seems rather ridiculous when you visit one of the larger cities in a wealthier nation in Africa and find larger, healthier, and more diverse produce than you will ever see in a U.S. grocery store.
Luckily you still have the ability to vote with your pocket book when choosing your food; unfortunately, you and local farmers have much less control when it comes to pharmaceutical companies planting open-air crops with terminator seed and genetically engineered birth control. Government regulatory agencies have become so corrupted that they allow genetically engineered and bio-pharmaceutical crops to be planted in open fields, which can then contaminate food crops via wind, birds, and other animals. Imagine if a crop using sterilization technology were to cross-pollinate with a large crop of wheat that found its way into the food supply.

While acknowledging the grave consequences of all of the above threats to humanity, there is still an even greater danger currently facing humanity. It poses the greatest risk to our society, because so few people know it exists.

Neuroweapons Technology

When considering the implications of neuroweapons, it is important to understand the big picture. The umbrella of neuroweapon technologies can be used in combination to fulfill a variety of functions. The technologies can be used to cause pain, stress, confusion, psychological distress, physical harm, and even death.

The potential uses are really up to the imagination of the user. Neuroweapon technology can be used to intimidate a witness, influence or threaten a government official, force someone to move out of their home, make someone appear crazy, commit insurance fraud, or simply gain revenge.

What makes the technology so dangerous is that it can be hidden behind a neighbor’s wall, transmitted over an electronic device, or broadcast over infrastructure. You don’t see optogenetic light waves, radio frequencies, or ultrasound. It’s hard to trace. Disguised as regular electronic equipment, neuroweaponry can be directed at a particular individual while nearby persons remain unaffected. The scariest part: there is no easy way to tie the harmful effects or death directly back to the weapon or the frequencies used. Most doctors know very little about neuroweaponry, and, even if they did, they would just see the final physical result in the body and not have any conclusive evidence of how it got there.

A Dark History

The U.S. Neuroweapons Program and associated technologies did not develop overnight. The various technologies have progressed over time and in concert with other intelligence programs, technologies, efforts, and goals.

Mind control experiments can in large part be traced back to the Nazi days. Researchers, given unbridled permission to conduct horrendous studies on unwilling human test subjects, had no regard for the sanctity of life or free will (Stobee, Mike. “Ugly Past of US Human Experiments Uncovered.” Associated Press, updated 2/27/11).
The historical existence of MKUltra is well documented. The purpose of the government research program was to explore and perfect mind control. Under the program, researchers conducted very disturbing and unconstitutional experiments on individuals without consent, using very misleading and coercive means to gain compliance.

Unfortunately, researchers are still obsessed with methods that can be used to control and influence the mind, and their toolbox now includes much more sophisticated technologies.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Most neuroscientists conduct their work under the auspice that they are investigating new technologies that will alleviate detrimental health conditions, such as cancer, Parkinson’s, and other neurological disorders.

While many of these researchers benevolently hope to go down in history books as finding some remarkable cure, there is also a very dark side to these efforts.
The technologies developed and being perfected are being financed by military and tax-payer public funding. The majority of the research is conducted at university neuroscience programs worldwide.

It is doubtful that most or even any of these neuroscience researchers conducting this research understand that the technologies they create are then transferred over to black operations projects that test the technologies on unwilling participants for military neuroweaponry.

Lack of Conscious Morality

Researches conducting mind control research today seem to be completely blind to the enormous ethical considerations. The ability to control neurological pathways of the brain, which then control other functions throughout the human body, appears to be too enticing and thrilling a concept.

Whether due to scientific obsession, hope of notoriety, or hefty financial compensation, these researchers do not appear to be interested in taking a step back from their efforts to question the bigger picture. To the contrary, the entire neuroscience industry appears to be on an fast-track race to discover more prolific means of controlling the human brain.

Willing Consumers

The situation is compounded by consumer willingness to embrace products that interface with the body, neurological system, and brain waves. Enticed by the entertainment and functional benefits these technologies pose to their daily lives, the younger generation, and even some of the older, openly embrace gaming, health monitoring, and other attractive convenience technologies that connect biological systems, including brain waves, to electronic devices.

Many consumers have been quick to readily accept and even pay for the use of biological sensor technologies that track their health fitness training, heart rates, glucose levels, and sleep rhythms. We are in an information age, in which people can look up information on the Internet within minutes. Receiving information about one’s own body functions in real-time is enticing.

Google and Amazon over the past year have made a series of moves to expand their presence in the healthcare sector via services such as Google Health and Amazon Care. These innovations turn ‘smart’ phones using sophisticated biosensors into personal health examination devices.

DermAssist, a Googe ‘Health’ app, assists in finding personalized information about your skin concerns using responses to a few questions and three quick photos. Nest Hub uses a ‘mini radar along with microphones, temperature sensors and light sensors’ to analyze your sleeping habits and offer suggestions on how to improve your sleep. Care Studio is marketed as ‘clinical software to unify healthcare data.’ Google added AI to the application’s capabilities, which can summarize and contextualize physicians’ clinical notes. Care Studio has been integrated into the electronic health records platform used by Meditech, which provides software and services to healthcare providers.

HIPPA laws seem insufficient to protect this collection, use, and sharing of personal bio data.

The Global Agenda

Concerns related to biodata collection and neuromodulation techniques, the same technologies as what is used in the neuroweaponry program, go way beyond privacy concerns. Google Fit, a mobile application, collaborates with the World Health Organization (WHO) as part of the Heart Points ‘activity goal.’ The WHO is the same entity that developed and researched the anti-HCG population control vaccines.

You might see no problem with population control efforts, incorrectly believing it is only directed at ‘Third World’ nations. You might rationalize your support with beliefs that ‘poor’ people in ‘poor’ nations won’t stop breeding on their own, so the use of clandestine anti-HCG formulas in a wide variety of vaccines and even other products is justified.

What you may or may not know is that the WHO is also directly involved in the global push for a digital identity program and the ID2020 Alliance. Alliance co-founder Gavi has been coordinating vaccination efforts around the world. The company believes it can bring ‘social cohesion’ and world peace via vaccines. It works very closely with Bill Gates, whom they quote on their website: ‘When Melinda and I started this work more than a decade ago…one of the first things we invested in was vaccines.’

Gavi Vaccine Alliance CEO Dr. Seth Berkley said in a speech: ‘Vaccines do more than save lives; they help foster equitable, peaceful and stable societies. To sustain peaceful societies, countries must build trust and social cohesion…’

The global population control and digital ID global agenda ties directly to the neuroweapons program being researched on unwilling test participants (referred to as victims of ‘Havana Syndrome’ by mainstream media).

Military Funded Neuroweapons Research

When we hear about military agencies working on ‘health’ projects, it’s important to remember that they are in the business of killing, not healing.

Why would a country’s military want to share neuroweapons technology on an international scale? It doesn’t. It wants to reap the reward of using unsuspecting industry experts conducting ‘beneficial’ neuroscience to do the work. Dangling the carrot of defense agency funding and other public grants, neuromodulation researchers have plenty of money to play to keep them going.


At the forefront of the neuroweapons research, both financially and strategically, is DARPA. Per its website, it states: ‘For sixty years, DARPA has held to a singular and enduring mission: to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security.’ The agency takes credit for ‘game-changing military capabilities,’ such as ‘precision weapons’ and ‘stealth technology,’ as well as the Internet, automated voice recognition, language translation, and Global Positioning System receivers small enough to embed in a myriad of consumer devices.

DARPA comprises hundreds of government employees in numerous technical offices, who together oversee about 250 research and development programs led by approximately 100 program managers.

DARPA neuroweapons expert James Giordano has conducted numerous presentations regarding the neural weaponry technologies. During his prolific talks, he goes into great detail regarding the various aspects of the program, from mind control, nanotechnology, and biological warfare, to bio tracking, sensors, and big data.

Many of these presentations have been recorded and are available to the public to view on social media.
In one of his presentations to an audience at Los Alamos, a Department of Energy military site, Giordano paints a very disturbing picture of an industry that has clearly gone out of control with very little, if any, oversight.

Neurosciences are Weaponizable
“This is the cat that is already out of the bag, so it’s a little too late to think that we’re never going to use it like this.” — James Giordano

Giordano starts most of his presentations explaining that the neurosciences are weaponizable.
Military technologies being researched are able to ascertain the mental state of an individual. It is possible to remotely collect biological and neurological data that provides feedback on how effectively the program has achieved the intended biological response in the victim, including emotional distress caused to the victim’s state of mind.
Giordano explains that the weaponization of the neurosciences, which he says is in full force now—not some science fiction of the future—has made it possible to influence the minds of individuals and group targets. He describes how it can be used to make someone more agreeable to negotiations, neutralize a person who is seen as a problem, or make a person come across as being ‘stark raving mad.’

He says that we (meaning the neuroscience research industry) have done this for a long time. He makes comments such as “We’re targeting the brain, and we’re targeting the brain at a variety of levels.”
Although he doesn’t go into actual specifications, he does provide quite a deal of insight into the types of technologies used.
Giordano refers to various ‘assessment technologies,’ which he says can be quite diverse, from single photon emission tomography, to the use of electromagnetic pulse signals. He also mentions neurophysiological recording, which he says uses quantitative techniques, neurogenomics and genetics (coding genes to certain structures of the brain), neuroproteomics (biomarkers), and neuro-cyber informatics. He explains that the technology can be used to image communicating networks and nodes within the brain ‘in a directional way, in rather rapid time.’

He is referring to the practice of brain ‘mapping,’ which is how neuroscientists are able to record (map) how a brain communication sequence pattern (i.e, you have a thought to move your leg and it moves) and then recreate that brain pattern sequence in an individual to affect biological systems (i.e, make you move your leg against your will).
To put this all in very simple terms, neuromodulation (control of brain patterns), often used in combination with extremely small (nano size) brain-to-computer interface technology, and incredibly powerful sensors, is how an amputee can control an artificial limb.

The technology has some very beneficial uses, as long as an individual understands the technology and risks involved, and gives informed consent. The problem is that the technology is being developed as a weapon, used against innocent victims without consent to further its advancement for nefarious purposes.

Stay Tuned

We’ll be going into a deeper dive regarding the various DARPA research programs, technologies under research.

In the meantime, please share this article far and wide, so we can build a more educated community of consumers, who will understand the greater implications of the products they choose to support.