A Dark History

DARPA and the Brain Initiative

Mad scientists and tyrannical Powers That Be are not just a thing in the past. Researchers are still obsessed with mind control. The only difference is that now their toolbox contains much more sophisticated technologies.

The U.S. Neuroweapons Program and associated technologies did not develop overnight. The various technologies have progressed over time and in concert with other intelligence programs, technologies, efforts, and goals.

Mind control experiments can in large part be traced back to the Nazi days. Researchers, given unbridled permission to conduct horrendous studies on unwilling human test subjects, had no regard for the sanctity of life or free will (Stobee, Mike. “Ugly Past of US Human Experiments Uncovered.” Associated Press, updated 2/27/11).

The historical existence of MKUltra is well documented. The purpose of the government research program was to explore and perfect mind control. Under the program, researchers conducted very disturbing and unconstitutional experiments on individuals without consent, using very misleading and coercive means to gain compliance.

Unfortunately, researchers are still obsessed with methods that can be used to control and influence the mind, and their toolbox now includes much more sophisticated technologies.