Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Most neuroscientists conduct their work under the auspice that they are investigating new technologies that will alleviate detrimental health conditions, such as cancer, Parkinson’s, and other neurological disorders.

While many of these researchers benevolently hope to go down in history books as finding some remarkable cure, there is also a very dark side to these efforts.

The technologies developed and being perfected are being financed by military and tax-payer public funding. The majority of the research is conducted at university neuroscience programs worldwide.

It is doubtful that most or even any of these neuroscience researchers conducting this research understand that the technologies they create are then transferred over to dark operations projects that test the technologies on unwilling participants for military neuroweaponry.

Lack of Conscious Morality

Researches conducting mind control research today seem to be completely blind to the enormous ethical considerations. The ability to control neurological pathways of the brain, which then control other functions throughout the human body, appears to be too enticing and thrilling a concept.

Whether due to scientific obsession, hope of notoriety, or hefty financial compensation, these researchers do not appear to be interested in taking a step back from their efforts to question the bigger picture. To the contrary, the entire neuroscience industry appears to be on an fast-track race to discover more prolific means of controlling the human brain.