“These are not weapons of mass destruction. These are weapons of mass disruption. If I understand how his brain works, and how her brain works (the ‘neural narrative’), and I am able to do that on a broad enough scale, I can develop patterns and then use that in ways that inform my intelligence.” — James Giordano
At the forefront of the neuroweapons research, both financially and strategically is DARPA.
The agency comprises hundreds of government employees in numerous technical offices that oversee hundreds of research and development programs.
The agency is behind The Brain Initiative program. The White House announced the Brain Initiative in April 2013. The program is supported by several federal agencies as well as dozens of technology firms, academic institutions, and scientists.
The Brain Initiative is the umbrella term for all the various DARPA neuromodulation and related programs that are working with technologies that can be used for neuroweaponry. This ‘new’ initiative is actually just a formalized name for an extension of the work that DARPA has been doing since the 1970s.
Some of the technologies under the program may actually help soldiers (prosthetics for missing limbs), and electronic prescriptions (battlefield remote medical support). It might be beneficial, if it were not the fact the neuroscience research has been weaponized and is being used against innocent civilians (worse than what you may have heard about ‘Havana Syndrome’ in the news.’
The agency spins the information it presents regarding these neuroscience research projects as helping society.
It is important when reading the descriptions of the research programs to remember that DARPA is a military agency. As such, it creates technologies for use in military applications, direct weaponry, and national security.
Per DARPA’s website, the agency says it holds to one singular and enduring mission: ‘to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security.’
The agency takes credit for “game-changing military capabilities,” such as “precision weapons” and “stealth technology,” as well as the Internet, automated voice recognition, language translation, and Global Positioning System receivers small enough to embed in a myriad consumer devices.
DARPA neuroweapons expert James Giordano has conducted numerous presentations regarding the neuroweapon technologies. During his prolific talks, he goes into great detail regarding the various aspects of the program, from mind control, nanotechnology, and biological warfare, to bio tracking, sensors, and big data.
In one of his presentations to an audience at Los Alamos, a Department of Energy military site, Giordano paints a very disturbing picture of an industry that has clearly gone out of control with very little, if any, oversight. He actually says at one point: “I want to make people sick.’