Genetically-Engineered Nanotech Mind Control

Scientists Genetically Engineer a Magnetic Nano Protein for Mind Control

This information is from an article published in the Guardian on May 19, 2021.

The article describes how U.S. researchers genetically engineered a ‘magnetized’ protein for mind control. This technique they developed remotely controls nerve cells 

Magnetized Protein Research

In Search of More Effective Mind Control

Scientists, forever obsessed with finding more effective means of mind control, have developed various techniques to affect the brain.

Researchers discovered optogenetic methods to switch groups of neurons on and off on a millisecond-by-millisecond basis. To do this, they used pulses of laser light.

More recently, they discovered chemogenetic techniques to target specific cell types. This method uses engineered proteins that are activated by designer drugs.

Although both quite ‘powerful,’ the article explains that  both of these methods have some drawbacks. Optogenetics is invasive and requires insertion of optical fibres to deliver light pulses into the brain. The main drawback is the extent to which light can penetrate dense brain tissue. It’s limited. Chemogenetic approaches overcome these limitations, but the process induces biochemical reactions that take several seconds to activate nerve cells. Apparently that is too long a waiting period for what these researchers are hoping to achieve.

Several earlier studies demonstrated that nerve cell proteins, which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure, can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields.

When you attach them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles, it presents an important advance from the prior methods. These methods have already been used to regulate blood glucose levels in mice. This new technique is complicated. It involves multiple components that must be introduced separately.

According to the article, the new technique builds on earlier work. It’s based on a protein researchers call  TRPV4.

I doubt any of us would care about this type of information if the sovereign authority of our minds wasn’t at stake.

This particular protein is apparently sensitive to both temperature and ‘stretching’ forces.

So to repeat what has been mentioned above, this new method involves both radio waves and magnetic fields. This may likely ring a bell (and big red flag) to anyone who is already concerned about 5G network and EMF health risks.

These health risks are well documented, so I won’t go into the very long list of the physical harm effects they can cause. Let’s instead focus on this particular use that may pose an even worse hazard: the loss of one’s sovereign control over the mind.

If you are still with me now (sorry, I know this is very technical), then there’s a bit more you still really need to know. I’ll summarize it in as simply as I can. Radio waves (e.g., radio frequencies) and magnetic fields (e.g., EMF) create stimuli that allow electrical currents to flow through brain cell membranes. The currents (e.g. frequencies) can move (travel) via the spinal cord. From the spinal cord, the frequencies (currents) can travel up to the brain.

If you have followed me to this point, then you are likely starting to understand the huge implications that this presents on so many levels. 

Researchers are using these very prevalent and mainstream accepted technologies to interact with the brain.

If you go to a doctor with complaints about EMF or 5G reactions, they will say that radio frequency ‘never hurt anyone.’ But doctors are not informed about any of this. They don’t learn about these technologies in medical school. And in their defense, they are likely too busy trying to save lives affected by the assault on humanity by bioengineered foods and viruses to have time to research technologies like this.

It gets even more technical from here. If this weren’t so important, I’d never even suggest you try to understand anything beyond this point. But is is important, very important.

This all involves a protein they call TRPV4. Researchers use genetic engineering to fuse the TRPV4 protein to the paramagnetic region of ferritin, together with short DNA sequences. That is how they instruct cells to transport and insert the proteins to the nerve cell membrane.

Ferritin is a universal intracellular protein that stores iron and releases it in a controlled fashion. The protein is produced by almost all living organisms, including archaea, bacteria, algae, higher plants, and animals. So it’s not exactly something you could just eliminate in order to avoid this scenario.

Researchers did various testing related to this technique to prove it works. It resulted in increases in calcium ion concentration within the cells, which could be detected with a fluorescence microscope.

This all admittedly sounds like FrankenScience at this point. It’s quite a lot of effort to change the natural perfection of the God-given processes of the human body. 

Researchers tested all this in zebrafish and mice to make sure it would work. Then as their research progressed, they injected a virus that expresses a heat-sensitive channel.

“The study is badass… This system is a single, elegant virus that can be injected anywhere in the brain, which makes it technically easier and less likely for moving bells and whistles to break down… – Optogenetics Expert Neuroscientist Steve Ramirez of Harvard University who uses optogenetics to impact the memories of mice.

So there you have it…

If I may be so bold as to provide a few takeaways regarding the information presented here, given my years of research into the neuroweapons program, there are a few technologies mentioned that translate over to the documentation that we’ve been able to collect on ‘Targeted Individuals’ who claim to be experiencing various effects that could be explained by what is presented here.

There is clear evidence that radio frequency and EMF is involved in the attacks. Although not proven, it is also highly suspected that fiber optics (or some form of laser/light technology) is also involved. This is supported by what this article tells us researchers are doing with their work.

Even if thousands of people were not coming forward claiming to be experiencing horrendous technological attacks, the research described in this article should still give us all pause. 

At the very least, there should be public discussion regarding whether the benefits of this research is really worth the risks.

Are there any true benefits to this?